Tuesday 2 April 2013

Routine. Mine. Dont follow. I write it here because its in the next tab and i am too lazy to open word or notepad.

Body Weight Trainings (since I dont have money for gym no more)

Pull up - 10,8,8,failure
Hand stand push up - 10
Reverse push up - 20
Basic push up - 20.
Diamond push up - 20
Scorpion - 20 left 20 right
Far diamond - 10
Clap Push up- 10
Burpee - 15
Squat jump - 15
Front kick hold - 30 secs
Side kick hold - 30 secs
Lunges - 40
Planck - 30 secs
Dip - 15
Leg raise - 25
Side leg raise - 25
Bicycle crunch - 30
Sit up decline or hanging or some shit - 30
Bridge front with head because fuck the arms dats why.
Bridge back with head because fuck the arms dats why.

Flag and muscle up and planches push up all those advance shit lets save it for later. I'll start slow.